The Director of Pre-Columbian Studies oversees the Pre-Columbian program and its budget, with the help of a program assistant; encourages and advises the Fellows (who are resident for an academic year, term, or summer and pursue their own research); assis...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Le programme « Bourses de thèse IRD » est un des programmes d’appui au renforcement et à la consolidation des potentiels de recherche dans les pays du Sud, mis en œ...
Dawn Lohnas, current student in the UCLA/Getty program for the conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials is seeking an archaeological excavation that could benefit from conservation assistance, for two weeks, anytime between March and Augu...
Northern Illinois University is hiring in four areas that may be relevant to list members. I encourage qualified persons to consider applying. (Rather than add long attachments, please look for descriptions at the direct links or on the NIU Human resource...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Vuelta a lo esencial: una revisión crítica de la investigación contemporánea de herramientas líticas
Aprobado por Resolución de Decanato 123/11
Dictado por la Dra. R...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Le laboratoire européen d'histoire et anthropologie des savoirs, des techniques et des croyances (HASTEC) propose pour l'année universitaire 2011-2012 :
deux contrats d...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Chers Collègues,
Les informations relatives aux bourses 2012 de l'École des hautes études hispaniques et ibériques (Casa de Velázquez, Madrid) sont accessibles sur le ...
The Center for Social Well Being is now approaching its 11th year offering our 3 week training program in interdisciplinary qualitative field methods, as well as Spanish and Quechua language classes, in the Peruvian Andes. The combined undergraduate an...
The Department of Sociology and Anthropology invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position in the Anthropology Program, effective January 2012. The position, subject to availability of funds, will be at the rank of Assistant Professor with a st...
The University of Western Sydney's newly-formed Institute for Culture and Society (which incorporates the Centre for Cultural Research) invites applications for PhD scholarships.
The Institute for Culture and Society encourages theor...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.El IFEA ofrece 6 becas de apoyo a la investigación por un periodo de un año a partir del 1ero de enero de 2012. Estas becas están dirigidas a bolivianos, colombianos, ecu...
The Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern offers a Ph.D. Position in Latin American Studies (Three years, starting 1st of November 2011)
The position is embedded in the ProDoc Program on “The Dynamics of Transcultural M...
UCL's Anthropology Department has been awarded three social anthropology PhD studentships under the Leverhulme's Resilience funding programme for a multidisciplinary project entitled Hunter-gatherers' resilience: Past, present and future adaptations to...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Le Fonds de recherche du Québec Nature et technologies et le Fonds de recherche du Québec Société et culture lancent conjointement le programme Bourses de doctorat...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.La Corporación Nacional de Arqueología Antropología e Historia, tienen el honor de invitar a ustedes a participar en los módulos 13, 14, 15 del programa de "Maestría en...
There is a new searchable database established by the journal Antiquity for abstracts of recent doctorates.
Recent Ph.D. students might want to upload their thesis abstracts to Antiquity at: http://php.york.ac.uk/org/antiquity/theses/upload/
The thesis ...
Information about the Cockburn Student Award Competition. Since this is the first time that Paleopathology Association have the student award in PAMinSA, exceptionally all students are eligible, it is, they don\'t need to be members of the Paleopatholo...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Le musée du quai Branly propose un programme de bourses d’étude pour la documentation de ses collections. Trois bourses sont offertes pour l’année 2011-2012, dont la ...
There are no translations available at this moment. Thanks for your comprehension.Le programme « Bourses de thèse IRD » est un des programmes d’appui au renforcement et à la consolidation des potentiels de recherche dans les pays du Sud, mis en œ...
Latin American and Caribbean Scholars Program: http://www.conservation-us.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=page.viewpage&pageid=667
The information below will be available soon in Spanish and Portuguese. Questions can be addressed by e-mail to: becas@conserv...