

Incógnita Incógnita (Énigme), c'est le nom que nous avons donné à l'effigie qui préside et veille sur le site Arqueología Ecuatoriana, depuis toutes les fenêtres. Son origine est anecdotique, comme presque tout d'ailleurs dans la pratique archéologique équatorienne. Il s'agit d'une pièce unique, sans contexte connu, tombée entre nos mains de façon très paradoxale.

Interprétation iconographique

Silla Manteña

Éducation Bourses Bourses internationales The University of Wisconsin-Madison - Assistant Professor
The University of Wisconsin-Madison - Assistant Professor PDF Imprimer Envoyer
Écrit par Gaëtan Juillard   
Vendredi, 11 Décembre 2009 04:34
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Location: Madison, WI

University of Wisconsin-Madison: The Dept. of Anthropology invites applications for a tenure track position at the Assistant Professor level beginning August, 2010. We seek an anthropological archaeologist who focuses on the New World (North, Central, or South America) and has research interests that complement those of the current archaeology faculty and institutional resources. Candidates with training and research experience in one or more fields of archaeometry (e.g., materials analysis, archaeological chemistry, geoarchaeology, etc.) or palaeoethnobotany will be given priority, but the position is open to outstanding candidates who work on contemporary archaeological issues from other methodological perspectives.

Ph.D. required prior to start of appointment. Active field project and teaching experience preferred. Applications, including a statement of research interests and goals, curriculum vitae, sample syllabi, teaching evaluations, three letters of recommendation, writing samples (minimum length: an article or dissertation/book chapter), and other relevant materials should be sent to Chair, Archaeology Search Committee, Dept. of Anthropology, UW-Madison, 1180 Observatory Drive, 5240 Social Sciences Bldg., Madison, WI 53706.

The successful candidate will teachtwo courses per semester in undergraduate and/or graduate level archaeology, develop an active research program, and perform standard advising and service in the Department and University. First consideration will be given to applications received by December 11, 2009, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Salary range is competitive. Unless confidentiality is requested in writing, information regarding applicants must be released upon request. Finalists cannot be guaranteed confidentiality.


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