

Incógnita Incógnita (Énigme), c'est le nom que nous avons donné à l'effigie qui préside et veille sur le site Arqueología Ecuatoriana, depuis toutes les fenêtres. Son origine est anecdotique, comme presque tout d'ailleurs dans la pratique archéologique équatorienne. Il s'agit d'une pièce unique, sans contexte connu, tombée entre nos mains de façon très paradoxale.

Interprétation iconographique

Silla Manteña

Éducation Bourses Bourses internationales Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University - 2010-2011 Visiting Research Scholars
Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University - 2010-2011 Visiting Research Scholars PDF Imprimer Envoyer
Écrit par Gaëtan Juillard   
Vendredi, 11 Décembre 2009 04:21
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Location: New York, NY
Job Posted: October 13, 2009

The Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, New York University (ISAW), plans to make about 9 appointments of visiting research scholars for the 2010-11 academic year (see for details). Academic visitors at ISAW should be individuals of scholarly distinction or promise in any relevant field of ancient studies who will benefit from the stimulation of working in an environment with colleagues in other disciplines.

Applicants with a history of interdisciplinary exchange are particularly welcome. They will be expected to be in residence at the Institute during the period for which they are appointed and to take part in the intellectual life of the community.

ISAW is prepared to host both individuals coming with their own funding and those needing partial or full support for a semester or year. Details of available support are given on the website.

ISAW is prepared to consider not only individual applications for residencies but proposals from small research teams (usually two persons), the members of which are normally based in different institutions. It will also consider applications for years later than 2010-11 in cases where the applicant is interested in organizing an exhibition or a conference at ISAW.

Applications should be submitted in hardcopy via mail to:
Professor Roger S. Bagnall
Director, Institute for the Study of the Ancient World
15 East 84th St.
New York, NY 10028.

Please see our website for the full list of required documentation.
Applicants should have their doctorates in hand by the beginning of their period of appointment at ISAW.
Inquiries should be sent to the Academic Program Coordinator, Kathryn Lawson at Cette adresse email est protégée contre les robots des spammeurs, vous devez activer Javascript pour la voir.
Review of applications will begin on December 14, 2009.

New York University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.


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