

Incógnita Incógnita (Énigme), c'est le nom que nous avons donné à l'effigie qui préside et veille sur le site Arqueología Ecuatoriana, depuis toutes les fenêtres. Son origine est anecdotique, comme presque tout d'ailleurs dans la pratique archéologique équatorienne. Il s'agit d'une pièce unique, sans contexte connu, tombée entre nos mains de façon très paradoxale.

Interprétation iconographique

Silla Manteña

Éducation Bourses Bourses internationales Eastern New Mexico University - Position: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Anthropology
Eastern New Mexico University - Position: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Anthropology PDF Imprimer Envoyer
Écrit par Gaëtan Juillard   
Vendredi, 11 Décembre 2009 04:00
Il n'existe pas de traduction pour le moment. Merci de votre compréhension.

Location: Portales, NM

Eastern New Mexico University seeks applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor of Anthropology position beginning August 2010. We seek a Southwest archaeologist specializing in ceramic analysis, preferably a materialist with an active research agenda. The successful candidate must be
willing to run a summer field school in alternate summers.

Candidates must have a Ph.D. completed by August 2010. Our program has a strong graduate component, and candidates must be willing to help supervise Master¹s theses.

Applicants should submit a faculty application, letter of interest outlining qualifications, current curriculum vitae, transcripts (unofficial for application purposes), and contact information for three references to: Search Committee, Department of Anthropology and Applied Archaeology, Human Resources Station #21, Eastern New Mexico University, Portales, NM, 88130.

Review of applicants will begin January 4, 2010. ENMU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants must pass a pre-employment background check.

For more information go to http//


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