

Incógnita Incógnita (Énigme), c'est le nom que nous avons donné à l'effigie qui préside et veille sur le site Arqueología Ecuatoriana, depuis toutes les fenêtres. Son origine est anecdotique, comme presque tout d'ailleurs dans la pratique archéologique équatorienne. Il s'agit d'une pièce unique, sans contexte connu, tombée entre nos mains de façon très paradoxale.

Interprétation iconographique

Silla Manteña

Éducation Bourses Bourses internationales Visiting Research Fellowships
Visiting Research Fellowships PDF Imprimer Envoyer
Écrit par George Lau   
Mardi, 11 Septembre 2012 08:23
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The Sainsbury Research Unit offers two Visiting Research Fellowships in each academic year for the study of the arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. Normal duration is three months, coinciding with Autumn and Spring terms. Applications are welcomed from scholars of appropriate standing in such fields of the Humanities and Social Sciences as Anthropology, Art History, Archaeology, History and related disciplines.

Applications are currently invited for the academic year 2013-2014. The closing date for applications is Friday 30 November 2012.


Holders of a doctorate (or appropriate final degree) who are undertaking research for publication on the arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas. In exceptional cases, advanced doctoral candidates may be considered.

Full information at:

With best wishes

Sainsbury Research Unit | University of East Anglia | Norwich NR4 7TJ | UK | phone 44.(0).1603.593198 |


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