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Northern Illinois University employment opportunities PDF Print E-mail
Written by Winifred Creamer   
Wednesday, 16 November 2011 17:16

Northern Illinois University is hiring in four areas that may be relevant to list members. I encourage qualified persons to consider applying. (Rather than add long attachments, please look for descriptions at the direct links or on the NIU Human resources website under employment opportunities.)

  1. Director of the Anthropology Museum (
  2. Assistant Professor in Conservation Biology/ Restoration Ecology (
  3. Assistant Professor (Joint position in Center of Non-Governmental Leadership and Development (NGOLD) and Department of Anthropology) (
  4. Assistant Professor in Applied Environmental Anthropology (Joint appointment in the Department of Anthropology and the Environmental Studies program) (

If you cannot connect to the web page, let me know.


Winifred Creamer
Distinguished Research Professor
Department of Anthropology
Northern Illinois University
Phone: 815-753-7038
Fax: 815-753-7027
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it


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